Welcome to our 1st ever Team vs. Team Treasury Challenge!
Etsy has may wonderful tools, however, when Treasury East was offered up to the community many Etsians found a new love for curating treasuries. And there are so many wonderful teams filled with amazingly talented shops and curators alike. So why not blend the best of what Etsy has to offer and have some fun, friendly challenges between teams of people who just love to make treasuries?

This challenge is open to all members of Team Discovery and Treasureme Team. There are some simple rules that must be followed in order for your treasury to be considered as a finalist.
If you are not on an Etsy team and would like to participate in this challenge somehow, please be sure to come back for the voting process and help us pick the winner!
The theme of this challenge is: "Celebrate the Holidays"
#1: Your treasury must include any 4 members from Treasureme Team and any 4 members of
Team Discovery, however, these items must be included somewhere in the top three rows of your treasury. (
The above photo is just for illustration purposes and is not a member of either team. It does not have to be used in any challenges).
#2: Your treasury MUST be tagged "teamvsteam challenge 1", (please notice spacing). Only Team Discovery members should be using the 'teamdiscovery' tag and only Treasureme members should be using the 'treasureme' tag. If you are a member of both teams, please see note below.
#3: You must post the URL link to this blog in your treasury. This is important and is how the word gets out. If you are unsure of what to say in your challenge treasury, feel free to use this:
This is a Team vs. Team Challenge. Please visit our blog to see all of our submissions and to come back for voting!
#4: Your treasury must include "Treasury Challenge" somewhere in your title.
#5: When you have completed your challenge treasury, come back here and add the URL to that treasury here in the comments. You can create as many treasuries as you like and enter as many times as you like. This challenge will end Tuesday, November 30 AT 6PM.
Etsy admin,
Sean11 has graciously agreed to join the challenge as a guest judge. Thanks Sean, we appreciate your help and support!
If you would like to be a guest judge, please contact
KathleenCavalaro and
Our judge(s) will choose 2 treasuries from each team to be put up on the blog for voting. Then the voting will be open to the entire Etsy community.
The winning team gets bragging rights :)
The winning curator gets one of their items featured in some of the opposing team's treasuries for one week (no number requirement, just word of honor).
IMPORTANT FOR PEOPLE ON BOTH TEAMSYou are welcome to participate, however, we ask that you make at least one challenge for each team. Make sure you tag a treasury with only one team name.